
Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: No Brainer

Jeff Kinney

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Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: No Brainer

Jeff Kinney

This is a new release from the Wimpy Kid series! Now, Wimpy Kid has an interesting history in our household. My mother banned it because she thought Greg Hefley was obnoxious (which he is). It was reintroduced during the COVID lockdown to get my little brother to read. In this book, Greg's school's funding has been cut so the school comes up with many ingenious ways to raise money, such as putting advertisements all around the school, even in the urinals! Greg actually seems to care a little more about the quality of his education, but he has to try to save the school from being shut down so he isn’t separated from his best friend Rowley. 

6-7 year olds would love this book because it is very funny but I would suggest making sure that your child won't pick up on Greg’s behaviour before letting them read it. 


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