Realistic Fiction

Let It Snow

John Green, Maureen Johnson, Lauren Myracle

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Realistic Fiction

Let It Snow

John Green, Maureen Johnson, Lauren Myracle

This book is split up into three stories written by the three different authors and then tied together at the end. The first story is about a girl named Jubilee and the story is called the ‘Jubilee express’. She is on a train to Florida when the train stops in Gracetown due to a snowstorm. On the train, she meets Jeb, a prominent character in the third story, who is trying to get back together with his girlfriend. She also meets a boy named Stuart who invites her to dinner. 

The second story, by John Green, is my favourite of the three. It's about a boy named Tobin and his crush, a girl named Angie, whom they call Duke. Duke, Tobin and a boy named JP are best friends and the story is basically Tobin and Duke's love story. The third book is about a girl named Addie, who is described as self absorbed. She just broke up with her boyfriend Jeb. This story is about how she realises her flaws after being left by her friends as well as her boyfriend. 

This book has quite a lot of cliches, including mean cheerleaders, and Addie dying her hair after her break up. It's still a really cute holiday romance! 

This is definitely not as good as ‘The Fault in Our Stars’. The formatting makes the story a little annoying to read as you have to keep flipping back to remember different things about characters introduced in the earlier stories which seemed irrelevant. I wish the stories had been tied together earlier. But all in all it was a good book and a good Christmas present !

I also saw the Netflix movie on this and while it's quite different from the book, especially in the formatting and pace, it's still a really fun movie to watch. 


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